Space Maintainers

If a baby tooth is lost prematurely, Our doctor may recommend a space retainer to preserve the gap for the adult tooth. Space retainers help prevent shifting of the teeth and the crowding of adult teeth.

Habit Breaking Counseling and Appliances

If your child has a habit of sucking the thumb, fingers, pacifiers, lips or tongue, he or she may be causing unconscious damage to the oral structure of the mouth. Abnormalities include an improperly shaped mouth, protruding teeth and bite shifting. Traditional counseling methods and positive reinforcement strategies are commonly used to combat these problems, but they are not always successful. Our dental office offers many types of custom-designed oral appliances that can help your child stop these harmful habits when traditional methods fail to work. We will never make your child feel bad or embarrassed by his or her habit. Instead, we will offer positive encouragement to help your child feel empowered and in control. These motivations will help your child want to stop the harmful habit.

Early Orthodontics

It’s never too early to keep an eye on your child’s oral development. Our doctor can identify malocclusion (crowded or crooked teeth) or bite problems and actively intervene to guide the teeth as they emerge in the mouth. Interceptive orthodontic treatment can prevent more extensive treatment later. Our doctor checks the progress of your child’s bite and jaw development with routine dental examinations. This early assessment of your child’s teeth may prevent extensive orthodontic work in his/her future.